Multiple Best of Breed Winner
AKC GCH, UKC CH, Canadian CH, HR, Clearwater’s Midnight Romance from Arlon SH, WCX, CGC
GCH CH Hyspire Singular Sensation x
GCH CH Arlon’s Noxzema Jackson

Available as stud to approved ladies.
Health Check
EIC Clear
Pra Clear
CNM Clear
Heart Clear by Doppler
Narc Clear
HNPK Clear
Black carries Yellow
Hips Excellent
Elbows Normal
Eyes cleared annually by Ofa
Full Dentition
Chic # 122702
Long Coat clear

Romeo is a great example of the Labrador breed from his good looks down to his personality and willingness to just please you or anyone he is working for.
Notable show wins
Romeo earned his very first point at the age of 6 months going Best of Breed. Listed below are just some of this great boy’s wins. Almost too many to list. He earned his Grand Championship well before his 2nd birthday. He now has 48 Bronze level Grand Championship points. Romeo is such a great dog and excels in both the show ring and hunt tests.
- 5/31/2014 Fox River Valley Kennel Club, Inc. Jean (Mrs. Norman) S Austin BOB 1 Point
- 6/7/2014 Wheaton Kennel Club Virginia Murray Best of opposite sex 1 point
- 7/5/2014 Greater DeKalb Kennel Club Mr Eric J Ringle Best of opposite sex 1 point
- 7/6/2014 Grater Dekalb Kennel Club Ms.Edweena (Teddy) McDowell Best of Opposite Sex 1 point
- 7/26/2014 Waukesha Kennel Club Inc Ms. PluisDavern(6-9 month) Winners 3 point Major
- Lots of smaller 1 point shows and placements plus training for his Junior Hunter
Romeo earned his Junior Hunter in 4 tests.
- 8/24/2014 Manitowoc County Kennel Club
- 8/30/2014 Madison Retriever Club
- 9/6/2014 Fox Valley Retriever Club
- 9/27/2014 Skunk River Hunting Retriever Association
- 6/12/2015 Eagle Rock Kennel Club Mrs. Judy Webb Best of Winners 3 point Major
New Champion
Romeo is now earning points toward his Grand Championship. What a way to start off with 5 majors in a row.
- z6/13/2015 Pocatello Kennel Club, Inc. Ms. Denny C Mounce Best of Breed 5 point Major
- 6/18/2015 Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman Best of Breed 5 point Major
- 6/23/2015 Five Valley Kennel Club Mrs Linda M. Riedel Best of Breed 4 point Major
- 7/25/2015 Waukesha Kennel Club Mr. George E Marquis Select3 point Major
- 7/26/2015 Waukesha Kennel Club Mr James A Moses Best of Breed 4 point Major
- 7/27/2015 Burlington Wi Kennel Club Mr Carl Gene Liepmann Best of Breed 2 points
- 10/24/2015 Valparaiso Kennel Club Mr Robert D Ennis Best of Breed 2 points
- 1/16/2016 Winnegamie Dog Club, Inc. Elizabeth “Beth” Sweigart Best of Breed 3 point Major
- 1/31/2016 International Kennel Club of Chicago Dr Steve Keating Select 3 point Major
- 2/12/2016 Hoosier Kennel Club, Inc. Dana P Cline Select 3 point Major