Sound, Gentle, Loving Labradors
Dog Breeding in Tinley Park, Illinois

Why Choose Clearwater Labradors?

Health Tested Parents
Labradors bred with the standard in mind.

Raised in our home using puppy culture
Visit our puppy page to learn more!
My love for the breed began in 1997 when I acquired my first Black Labrador “Annie”. Annie was an exceptional English Labrador with a perfect personality, love for water, and a bird drive that was unbelievable. Annie crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2008 (Dec. 1996-April 2008) and not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and her goofy ways. She is the reason I fell head over heels for the breed. Not only did she put a smile on my face each day but she also made me laugh. She was just a perfect little angel. It took me a little bit to get another Labrador because I missed her so deeply. I didn’t think I could Love another Lab like I loved her. When Romeo entered my life he stole my heart and I learned quickly a Labs love is true and pure.
My ultimate goal here at Clearwater Labradors is to produce sound, gentle and loving Labradors that will excel in the show ring, obedience ring, hunt tests, but mostly become a loving and gentle family pet.
Thank you for visiting Clearwater Labradors and learning about why I love this breed so much. Hope you enjoy the photos.
-Lara Nieckula